
How To Choose Dehumidifier For Basement

How To Choose Dehumidifier For Basement

All basements are located below ground level. So, they tend to have a high moisture level because of the moisture they are absorbing from the surrounding soil. That is why you find that they are usually musty and damp. When there is high humidity in the basement, it can lead to health and structural problems.

Besides, humidity levels have also an effect on your comfort. The ideal is one having 30-50 percent. If it’s higher, it leads to sweaty or chilled because it will be inhibiting evaporation. You need to have one, especially during the winter season.

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What Is A Dehumidifier?

This appliance called dehumidifier is the one responsible for reducing and maintaining humidity levels in the air. The main reason is because of comfort and health issues. A dehumidifier works well in households, commercial or even industrial applications. For large dehumidifiers, they will be used for commercial buildings or warehouses.


A dehumidifier will extract water present in the air and pass it through a unit. In the stores, you will get two types; desiccant or condensate dehumidifiers. The condensate will use the refrigerator that will help to collect condensate or water. Some designs will dispose of the water as vapor and not liquid.

What Type Dehumidifier Is Best For Basement

In the market, there are many types of dehumidifiers. However, you have to consider various factors that will make you pick the correct dehumidifier for your basement.

On the other hand, these dehumidifiers operate differently making some better than the others depending on the basement humidity level.

Depending on what you need for your basement, here are different types you should consider in your basement dehumidifier:

  • Compressor Dehumidifiers

There are some dehumidifiers using the compressor in operating a fan that helps to draw air into the cold coils. It causes moisture to condense forming droplets. These droplets will run directly to a tank that you have to be emptying regularly. However, you will find that these compressor dehumidifiers as the best basement dehumidifier to control humidity.

  • Desiccant Dehumidifiers

The other type of dehumidifier suitable for use in your basement is this type called a desiccant dehumidifier. The working of this type is not like the compressor type.

Moist will be drawn via a filter containing desiccant material. This material is always a chemical drying agent.

Desiccant helps by trapping moisture that will drip into the tank. Desiccant dehumidifiers will also help to control the moisture levels for small rooms.

  • Thermo-electric Dehumidifier

It uses the thermal-electric method while extracting excess moisture from the air. The unit works after drawing moist air on the small heated surfaces where it will collect before dripping into your collecting tank. They are good for warm rooms.

Note: Lastly, it will depend on the conditions of your basement. In case you have a large and cool basement, the best basement dehumidifier is the one with a compressor. The other two might not give perfect results.

Why Do You Need A Dehumidifier For Basement

Basement dehumidifier plays a vital role in tackling the changes in the environment. It’s wrong to have increased moisture in the underground basements because it brings different health problems. However, there is a reason to have a dehumidifier installed in your basement.

Excess moisture in the basement also affects the upper levels of the home. The reason why the basements are damp is that they can seep through the foundation or high humidity levels.

Moisture issues will lead to the growth of mold causing structural damage and health issues. So, a dehumidifier will help remove excess moisture in your basement.

To most homeowners, it might be hard for one to detect the signs of high moisture levels in the basement. However, there are signs that you need to observe for you to install a dehumidifier.

The first thing is when you note visible growth of mold on ceilings, walls, floors or other surfaces. Moreover, the other sign is the condensation of the surfaces. The walls also might feel damp after touching them.

If there are watermarks on the basement floor, it means water moisture is rising via the foundation. You can also check for items that have been stored in the basement and you will see or smell the presence of mildew or mold.

How To Choose Dehumidifier For Basement

It depends on the size of your basement because different basements need different dehumidification. If you need to have effective moisture removal in your basement, you have to install a dehumidifier with features that favor basement environments. Here are how to choose a dehumidifier for basement, the factors that you should check before getting the best basement dehumidifier:

  • Size Of The Basement

Generally, the size of a basement will be an important factor you have to look at. The reason is that these basement dehumidifiers have their classifications depending on the coverage area. So, the larger the basement area, the bigger the dehumidifier you need in your basement.

The crucial thing will be choosing one having a coverage area that will closely align with the size of your basement. So that you can know the dehumidifier you need, get the entire area of the basement in square feet.

If you are lucky, you will get a dehumidifier size allowing you to install one model and cover the entire basement. However, for small coverage dehumidifiers, it means that you have to double or triple. It is recommended to have various dehumidifiers installed in your basement to give maximum moisture absorption. The rule used is 50 – 70-pint dehumidifier for your basement. For those rooms having low levels of airflow, they will require to have one large dehumidifier or two.

  • Basement Moisture Level

The moisture level of the basement will depend on various factors. For example, if the weather of the place is cold, it means a high moisture level.

On the other hand, the level of the moisture will be a key determinant of the type of dehumidifier you should invest.

When you use a hydrometer, it will give you accurate tests of the humidity levels that are in your space. For a comfortable humidity, it will range between 35 – 40 percent.

So, checking in the basement you want to install your dehumidifier, you have to consider the humidity level. For example, when you test the air in the basement space, the results will indicate whether you need to have a dehumidifier. For example, when the results are above 60 percent, it means that your basement needs a dehumidifier before it can lead to health and property problems. You have to ensure that your moderate damp basement is having 45-50 percent humidity level.

  • The temperature of the Basement

The temperature of the basement is essential to consider before picking the wrong dehumidifier. If you realize that the temperatures are cold, then the best dehumidifier will be the one having low-temperature settings. The cold temperature will freeze the water that the dehumidifier removed from the air.

So, in case the place you live is cold, the one suitable will be one having low-temperature settings because it can work at low temperatures such as 5 degrees Celsius. Some of these dehumidifiers will be having to defrost options that will help it such that it won’t be frozen under too many cold temperatures. However, it might cost slightly more.

  • Types Of Basement 

If you need to correct moisture problems in the basement, you have to understand the type of basement. Moreover, you also have to know the place the water comes from because different basements will have different sources.

For underground concrete types of basements, they get high moisture levels from ground or rainwater. In addition, there are other interior sources such as bathrooms invented clothes dryers or cooking that bring more moisture levels. Besides, after construction, the concrete floor and walls also bring moisture inside the basement.

It’s also essential to understand the different methods that bring exterior humid air into the basement which later condenses to cooler surfaces. The moisture will be transferred using different mechanisms; capillary suction, liquid water flow, air movement, and vapor diffusion. They all affect different types of basements.

Some of the challenges increasing the humidity level of the basement can be traced to poor construction having cracks. For many cases, the basements are not correctly built such that it will handle water drainage.

So, it will depend on the type of basement to choose the suitable dehumidifier appliance. The dehumidifier will reduce the symptoms of odor and humidity. In case it’s because of the moisture problem, without a dehumidifier will lead to greater damage.

  • Water Removal Preference

While deciding the dehumidifier suitable for your basement, think about two essential water removal options. First, through the pumps and secondly through the gravity-powered method. The convenient types of the dehumidifier are those using gravity to remove water. They will eliminate water through drain hose via gravity and therefore no need for supplying to a water reservoir.

The other type, pumping dehumidifier will differ but they are more convenient types. When operating, this type will automatically expel water in places where gravity won’t be a plausible option.

Most of the dehumidifier will have an integrated pump so there won’t be a need for manual dumping the water.

  • Budget

The budget of a dehumidifier is essential to consider. Dehumidifiers cost depends on quality, model and size. So, your budget should range to where you can get the best machine.

If you set the amount you want to spend with a dehumidifier, search for online customer reviews. It will give you different models that are under your budget. You can also know whether they are reliable or not before spending your money.

You also have to compare prices tagged for different models and brands. For example, the portable dehumidifier will range between $40 to $400. So, after considering your finances, purchase the model falling within your budget.

  • Dehumidifier Brands

There are different dehumidifier brands in the market. However, if you are looking at the best brands, there are things to look upon like easethe  of use, efficiency of operation, and noise level while running.

There are brands that have simple and helpful features. Some have a digital read-out that will help to monitor the current humidity of your basements. They also have cord wraps around the hooks that can be of easy storage.

Besides, there are some other models having a sleek design with well-thought-out features. Having a clear bucket, it will let you monitor as the water rises and get an alert in case it’s full. For most of the dehumidifiers, you have to connect a hose at the back for draining continuously. Some rest after a day so that they can prevent overheating.

In case you find that draining via a hose won’t be the perfect option, some have an an-inbuilt pump that will help to drain water via the elevated tank or out of a window.

  • Additional Factors

There are more extra factors that you should consider before you have a perfect dehumidifier system for your basement. Some things like noise and weather should also be a concern. For example, when you have a machine that is running in your basement, it creates noise. Does that noise bother you while living upstairs? However, you might not worry about noise levels too much, but how about energy consumption?

Depending on the model or brand of the dehumidifier, their power ranges between 50-800 watts. The higher the wattage level, the more that dehumidifier consumes more energy and end up spiking the energy bill. However, you can, therefore, invest in a dehumidifier that conserves energy because it will help to keep the energy consumption low and the basement dry.

For noise pollution, you can opt to choose one with a low noise level. Different models have different levels of noise they make. Investing in a dehumidifier with a low level of noise is the best for the home basement.


How do dehumidifier works?

A humidifier will draw humid air through an inlet. It has an internal fan and an internal compressor. The air will pass through the cool coils by pulling out excess moisture.

What is the optimal humidity settings?

The ideal humidity level for most homes should range between 30-50 percent. If it will be above, the basement will become a breeding ground for mildew, mold, critters and dust mites.

How do I choose a dehumidifier for my basement?

It depends on the dampness and size of the room. The wetter and larger space, the powerful dehumidifier you need.


When it’s summer, it comes with sunny skies, warm weather, and high humidity. It’s unfortunate that the humidity won’t only stay outside. It creeps into the house and wet places like bathroom, laundry or basement become damper. It is the reason why dehumidifiers will come in to help remove the excess water and prevent mold and other issues that will harm your health. So, after understanding the way humidifier works, you will figure out which dehumidifier works best for your basement. The best thing is that there are many types of dehumidifiers in the market, but you have to choose one that has the qualities you need.

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